Nothing Bees Collect from Plants and Trees Goes to Waste

July 25, 2019

Nothing Bees Collect from Plants and Trees Goes to Waste

★ The Total Natural Bee Propolis is an all-natural fighter that treat all kinds of unwanted health conditions ★

Nothing Bees Collect from Plants and Trees Goes to Waste

Since ancient times, humans have used bee propolis to promote their health. This bee-derived ingredient contains incredible health properties that promote overall health and wellness. At Total Natural, we manufactured bee propolis alcohol free and ensure safety and quality when consuming this product.

Supercharged with Over 300+ Natural Compounds to Boost the Immune System

Bee propolis is surprisingly packed with minerals like manganese, zinc, copper, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and other natural compounds including amino acids, coumarins, aldehydes, and sesquiterpene that optimize the immune system and helps assist with allergies. Also bee propolis contains surprising antimicrobial, antioxidative, colds, flu, and radicals from the body.

Made in Canada

This liquid bee propolis is unrefined and contains 65% alcohol to preserve its quality longer. It’s paraben-free, non-GMO, free from artificial ingredients, and toxic-free.

Bee Propolis have Powerful Benefits that Help

  • Supports healthy immune system and cellular rejuvenation
  • Supports cellular regeneration
  • Assist with stress
  • Supports healthy ageing
  • Supports overall healthy well-being

    Click here for more information.