April 17, 2015
The development of the brain will go through cells’ proliferation, differentiation, migration, death and synapses all these complicated processes, and nutrition and energy are tow important things for the brain to develop. The crucial time for people to develop their brains is when they are 0-6 years old. Fetuses and DHA is an infant brain development necessary trace nutrients, also can promote neural network forming, it is an important component of the retina material. During the last three months of pregnancy, The DHA in fetuses’ brains will increase to three or five times more, no wonder people also called DHA as “brain gold”.
DHA plays an important role in infants’ vision developing. All the Information gained by the brain, 60% of them comes from our vision. Therefore, children’s vision will affect their reactivity, spatial sense and speed of perception directly. DHA is an important component of the retina material, when children are lack of DHA, their vision ability will also be affected, which results in poor reaction capacity and poor observational ability. A research showed that when added DHA to 162 non-premature babies’ infant formula; all of their visions get improved after a year. If a pregnant woman couldn’t get enough DHA, her baby may have a lower weight, or even have mental retardation, and the baby’s mental flexibility, language competence, comprehensive ability and fine motor skills may also lower than normal kids.
The research found that, if you only taking DHA rely on your diet, the efficiency can be very low, which is only 1% to adult males but 9% to pregnant women. The main source of DHA for an infant comes from the mother’s milk, but if the mother doesn’t have milk, then the baby should take infant formula with DHA or DHA softgels, especially for premature babies. DHA 100 is derived from tuna’s orbital oil; obtain a lot of DHA which can strong the retina, increase memory, and help fetus’ brain, nerves and eyes to develop, which can make the baby smart and have a strong immunity.
DHA對嬰兒視覺發育起重要作用人類大腦所獲得的信息,其中有60%來自于視覺,因此,視覺的功能直接影響著兒童的反應能力、空間知覺和知覺速度。DHA是視網膜的重要組成物質,DHA缺乏時視覺功能受損,表現爲視敏度發育遲緩,對光信號刺激的注視時間延長,從而影響嬰兒的反應能力和觀察能力。有研究顯示:162名非早産兒攝入含DHA的配方乳,1年後視力檢測時在視力表上增加了一行。 DHA對兒童智能發育的重要作用兒童的智能包括觀察力、記憶力、思維能力、想象力和創造力。0~6歲是兒童智能發育的關鍵時期。有研究顯示在這一時期補充了DHA的孩子在認知、語言、運動等方面的能力較其他孩子有明顯的提高。DHA缺乏時胎兒腦細胞的分裂增殖就會發生障礙,嚴重缺乏時則會造成腦細胞發育遲緩和智力水平低下。孕婦DHA嚴重攝入不足可生出極低體重兒,表現爲精神發育遲滯,思維靈活性、語言表達能力、理解能力與精細運動均低于正常兒。